Sunday, 18 September 2011

A Coach, A Boat, and the Golden Gate Bridge

Today started off with jet lag affecting us in two different ways – me sleeping for 8.5 hours and Peter and Sonya managing just 3 hours.  Peter and Sonya were wide awake and in the gym at 0500 whilst I was still giving it some zzzZZ’s!  We had been up for 24 hours straight so body clocks were all over the shop.

One thing Americans do exceptionally well is breakfast and one thing we do exceptionally well is eating them - we re-defined the word greed and destroyed the buffet before heading to the coach to join the pensioners for a tour of San Francisco.

It’s an impressive city with plenty of sights to behold – our tour guide Ted told us how the American water is the best in the world, their buildings are the safest in the world, their farmers market is the best in the get the message!! Our coach driver Dave regularly got stuck trying to negotiate tight corners and causing impressive jams in San Fran whilst he carried out 35 point turns to break free – the best being in China town where people started to take pictures and video the carnage it was that bad.

We visited the Japanese tea garden which was beautiful but disappointingly we didn’t have time for my favourite drink...tea!!  Mainly because the tour guide runs a tight ship – if you are not bang on time you are letting the whole group down – dangerous when we all have moderate time keeping issues! We did grab a sneaky cappuccino on the way back to the coach where the barista mistook Peter and me for Kiwis!  Bloody yanks...should have asked if he was Canadian!

Lunch was at Fishermans Wharf – a very busy but cool kind of Disney style fishing village. We all had a version of a Caesar Salad – and a couple of drinks which set us up for our boat trip to Alcatraz and the Golden Gate Bridge.

We boarded a Catamaran and set sail out round Alcatraz, up to the Golden Gate and back. This was a proper one with sails and nets across the middle – really exciting! We sat up front and enjoyed the views from the ocean – especially Britney and her friends celebrating her 21st birthday! The windy weather, sun, and drinks from the bar gave us all a healthy “glow”.  The boat was skippered by an Amercian Uncle Albert too but luckily he was a better captain!

It was on this trip where Sonya wanted a picture of the Golden Gate shrouded in fog and ordered Peter to "get the fog, GET me the fog".  Ha Ha what a Diva!

A Chinese meal in China Town wrapped the evening up although Sonya’s vegetarian option left a lot to be desired – especially after she was presented with chicken on a number of occasions as a vegetarian option! The kitsch decor in the restaurant was a bit different – we were in the nautical themed room which looked like a children’s bedroom decorated like an Aquarian.

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