Well we are here, a bit jet lagged and travel weary but we are here all the same. We all fell in love with terminal 5 - great airport! Started the holiday off at 0900 with a full English (Sonya had a full Irish which was NOT made up of some Soda Farls and a pint of Guiness) and a glass of Bucks Fizz in Gordon Ramsay's restaurant.
We had a great flight with no major dramas - British Airways are great - except water leaking from someones bag in the overhead luggage locker which on landing started dripping all over me and I spent the rest of the landing holding an empty glass to the leak to stop getting soaked which is trickier than it sounds when travelling at about 400 MPH.
The hotel is amazing - very plush.
Heading to our welcome drink and to meet the rest of the tour guests for the wine tour I thought I had walked into the wrong room - by visual apprearance I thought this must be a SAGA holiday party as I scanned the room realising that by some stretch we were probably the youngest by about 30 years!! Hmmm. Well we will still have plenty of fun and already have a bet on for the first age related death on the tour...
During the welcome we had to stand up and introduce ourselves and tell the group if they came to visit us at home (no chance!) then where we would take them and why. I introduced ourselves turning on my Englishness to the max (Sorry Sonya my Irish accent is rubbish) playing to the American Audience - "good afternoon, this is Tom, Peter and Sonya and we are from England and if you came to visit we would take you to Buckingham Palace to meet the Queen for a cup of tea" They loved it - round of applause and we were off!!
Jet lag kicked in and we headed for something to eat and took an early night as we are off to Alcatraz and the Golden Gate in the morning. Can't wait....
Sonya announced she would go the gym before breakfast - I bet her 5 bucks (American already!) she wouldn't. Bloody jet lag meant she was up far too early and went to the gym and I am now 5 dollars down - good work!
We are in Starbucks using the free Wifi and there is a nutter behind us talking to himself about all sorts of rubbish - and he is fascinated by Sonya - the weirdo magnets we have are working well already.
Well signing off now as the UK has afternoon tea we the USA are off for breakfast...
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