Thursday, 29 September 2011

Malibu, LA and a little girl called Molly

Glad to say goodbye to the Holiday Inn and set off for LA once we woke up ‘scatty nav’ - she takes 20 minutes to wake up in the morning needing coffee & a fag first.
My sister Michelle gave us a great tip to visit Paradise Cove in Malibu, and what a find - A beautiful beach and fantastic restaurant and a pier full of pelicans.  

We then drove down to check in at our beautiful Double Tree Maya Hotel in LA. (well picked by Peter). Our rooms overlooked the Marina and the Queen Mary Liner. 

A quick tan top up by the pool before heading up to West Hollywood to see Michelle, Stuart and their beautiful baby Molly. Molly has grown so much since we last saw her in June - she is a right little character & utterly enchanting. Disturbingly I looked so orange in photos against their english rose skin.

Michelle then took us for a cruise around Hollywood, Sunset Strip and Beverly Hills - past the Viper room, Rainbow bar, Whiskey a go-go club, kodak theatre & then up where the stars like the osbornes, beckhams & the cruises live. Then us adults all went for dinner at an incredible Argentinian restaurant.  
So all in all a great day - just wish we had had more time in LA with my family!

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