Tuesday, 20 September 2011

A Day of Adventure

Another early start, up and about at 4am and hitting the gym around 5.30, it’s amazing just how many people are there at that time. Today was our free day to tour the city, so we headed out on foot, first stop China Town. Tom needed some camera filters and that seemed like as good a place as any to buy them. School boy error number one, I had given Tom some guidance on what filters he should buy but had not discussed the meaning of the word bartering! The shop assistant said a price, Tom went to pay, I stopped him and said no they are cheaper in England, so at the second offer Tom dived in and waved away his cash. He then got talked into buying another filter and nearly another lens!!!
We walked on to Union Square the home of all the finest shops, but our mind was only on one thing .....Cheesecakes. Macy’s have ‘The Cheesecake Factory’ rooftop restaurant, serving the best cheesecakes anywhere in the world. 

Next we took the cable car to over the hill to Lombard Street famous for being the most crookedest street in the world, and indeed it was more bendy than my yoga instructor!

Next we walked down to Fisherman’s Wharf - Pier 39 where we had cocktails at the Eagle Oyster Bar in preparation for our next boating adventure.

We boarded a 50ft powerboat and pulled away slowly out of the dock besides the pier with hundreds of tourists watching us. It all seemed quite serene then the massive engineers were given full throttle and the screams began, and that was just Tom! The driver took us out at high speed past Alcatraz and under the Bay Bridge where he then started weaving and spinning the boat causing waves of spray to soak us. Sonya was winning the miss wet tee shirt contest and Tom needed wind screen wipers on his glasses. The boat caused so much wake that the driver could take a wide spin then hit the waves side on causing the boat to leap out of the water....more screams from Tom! We returned to the pier with damp clothes and restyled hair but also with the biggest smiles.

The day had taken its toll with us needing a siesta before heading out for dinner, we found this great restaurant close to the hotel and enjoyed great food and a few more drinks. Tom left us that night after sharing his funniest phobia - he is paranoid that the maid that cleans his room will clean the toilet with his tooth brush or stick it up .......! With this in mind Tom locks his toothbrush in the safe every day!!! ...Now I leave mine out, but should I?....Mmmm 
Off to Napa in the morning....night night. 

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